How do I Find Reliable Online Payment Processing?

Not all eCommerce credit card processing solutions and merchant account providers are made the same – although there are several different eCommerce credit card processing providers in the industry, some online credit card processing solutions are just simply better than others. It is important when searching for online credit card processing solutions and merchant account services that you choose a company whose experience and reputation align with your specific business needs and best fit the requirements within your industry. The best eCommerce merchant services providers will have top-of-the-line security and a proven track record of keeping business and customer information safe and secure. Be sure to discuss your options for what it means to mitigate credit card fraud with eCommerce fraud protection. Obtaining the very best eCommerce merchant services for your company is essential. Whether you operate a restaurant, retail shop, or company that completely eCommerce, you will find universal elements that you ought to be conscious of. Having the ability to comprehend which merchant providers best fit your needs will help you figure out the best eCommerce payment processing merchant account for you. PayKings offers eCommerce solutions for all verticals and business types.

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Where Should You Look for an eCommerce Merchant Account?

As experts in eCommerce merchant services, we’ll get your business ready to accept online credit card payments and other forms of electronic payments with customized online payment processing solutions. At PayKings, we are the leading authority in providing eCommerce merchant services, eCommerce merchant accounts, and eCommerce credit card processing solutions for a vast array of industries.

The eCommerce Credit Card Processor Revolution

eCommerce is defined as the buying and selling of products or services exclusively through digital channels. There are three types of eCommerce; the most common form being online shopping, or as we in the business world know it as business to consumer (B2C). Here consumers can order various products and manage their eCommerce payments online. Another category is business to business (B2B), where businesses, like manufacturers, retailers or wholesalers exchange goods and/or solutions. The next kind of e-commerce entails transactions from consumer to consumer (C2C), through online platforms like eBay, Etsy or other comparable websites. Last year in the US, the eCommerce industry netted $409.2 billion in sales and by the end of 2018 experts project another $461.5 in sales through eCommerce. By 2022, sales are expected to grow by 38%. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that 96% of Americans who have internet access have made an online purchase at some point and that four out of five of US adults online have purchased through eCommerce in the last month. eCommerce is now as popular as in-store shopping, with 51% of Americans citing online as their favorite way to shop.  eCommerce is steadily cutting off larger slices of the sales pie year after year, and if you are one of the millions of businesses that use an eCommerce platform, you need to ensure you have a high risk eCommerce credit card processor and eCommerce merchant account, internet merchant account, or online merchant account that will not take high percentages of your debit and credit card sales. Before you launch your business, make sure you start with the right eCommerce payment processing solutions. You need PayKings for your online payment processing solutions.

Online Credit Card Processing  for eCommerce Retailers

It is a fact that online retailers in the eCommerce sector make being a consumer and purchasing goods and services so much more convenient. But it might be tough for these eCommerce merchants (especially for those that are high risk merchants) to be able to process and take debit and credit card payments.

Secure and reliable payment processing is the primary reason that eCommerce merchants should seek out the best high risk merchant account providers to do business with. The past several years have shown that many high risk merchant account providers (and low risk providers alike) are changing the way they do business and have upped their security measures to mitigating potentials for credit card fraud.

Among the reasons that finding the right high risk merchant account provider can be challenging has to do with which providers can perform the specific requirements and conditions needed for your business to get set up your merchant account.

eCommerce merchants are often faced with high rates and countless fees for things such as new account set up fee, equipment fee, and a new merchant gateway charge – these are only a few of the hidden fees that merchants may find with some payment processing providers, and this does not include monthly support fees, access fees, and more.

Let Our Experts Guide You To The Right Online Payment Processing Solutions

With PayKings eCommerce credit card processor you will be able to accept credit cards from your website with our seamless integrations. Our solutions help business owners take their business to the next level.

Our eCommerce Merchant Accounts and Plans Feature:

  • Support for all shopping carts (see list)
  • Multiple option payment gateways
  • Free PayKings payment plugin modules
  • Chargeback alerts and management
  • Robust reporting and Fraud-scrubbing
Our affordable eCommerce merchant services and online credit card payment processing seamlessly integrates with your eCommerce payment processing platform to give customers a smooth and secure online buying experience. Launch your shop with the right eCommerce credit card processor and avoid getting your merchant account frozen. PayKings has been at the forefront of the eCommerce payment processing industry, helping web-based businesses achieve their sales goals with an emphasis on competitive discount rates, transaction security and white-glove customer service.
We understand the unique payment processing requirements of an Internet-based business, as 90% of our clients process payments online.


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